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Daggerfish Gear Fishing Kits - Adventures Made For You

Daggerfish Gear Fishing Kits - Adventures Made For You

What Does Daggerfish Make?

Daggerfish makes high-quality, hand-crafted outdoor exploration products.

Who Do We Make Products For?

We design our products for fishermen, foragers, explorers, campers, hikers, backpackers....

Anyone who is interested in exploring the wilderness and having a rich experience of being in the back country.

Fishing Gear & Camping Kits - Adventures Made For You - Daggerfish

How Do We Make Our Products?

All our products are made of natural materials right here in America.

We use high quality maple, cherry and walnut for our core woods, which are sourced locally within a short distance of our shop.

We take pride in our products and have so much confidence in their quality that we offer a lifetime guarantee on everything we sell.

Daggerfish Gear - American Made Products - Craftsmanship

What Makes Daggerfish Products Unique?

We try to innovate around the idea of minimalist products that provide you with the maximum opportunity for function in the outdoors.

From concept to completion, we have the goal of helping you feel comfortable in nature and to allow you to explore the outdoors without having to carry around 50lbs of gear.

For The Fisherman On The Go

Daggerfish Handreels are ultra-lightweight (only 5oz) and extremely compact. They are designed so you can fish on the go anytime...anywhere.

My dad and brother keep theirs in their glove boxes.

It's TSA approved for travel on airlines so you can carry it in your carry on bag.

Why Did We Create The First Daggerfish Handreel?

Backpacking is how I got started in outdooring. I was a Boy Scout and I remember the first big trip that I took was 5 miles. That's it, a five mile backpacking trip with my dad overnight.

We hiked up a mountain, we made some food camping, and then we hiked back down. It was a simple trip, but it's still burned in my memory as one of the greatest experiences of the outdoors I've ever had, because I loved being able to carry everything I needed on my back.

That idea, that ethos, has matriculated down to the design of all of my products. I love having everything I need for a complete experience all in one package. That's what led to the design of the first Daggerfish handreel.

It's a complete fishing system all in one. It's got the rod, reel, and tackle box all-in-one.

Walnut Handreel - Fishing Rod Tackle Box - Daggerfish Gear

New To Fishing?

When I was younger, I was always intimidated by fishing. I always thought I had to carry a ton of stuff in my bag and that fishing was really complicated.

I didn't understand how it all worked.

I didn't know what I needed to know in order to go and that kept to me from having the experience.

It wasn't until I saw people fishing with hand carved versions of hand reels that I realized that I didn't need all that stuff.

It turns out... you don't need much to catch a fish.

That's what led me to create the first Daggerfish and my business was created to help you overcome the same feelings I felt.

Since launching, I've gotten a lot positive feedback from customers who bought it to learn how to fish and have found that they really enjoy this aspect of outdooring.

This also means that the Daggerfish is great for younger kids.

Here is a video to help you see how easy it can be.

How Did We Choose Our Prices?

When choosing our prices, we like to consider a few things for each product.

We like to provide a workforce that is fair, ethical, honorable, and non-exploitative. This means we like to pay our employees well for the hard work they put into each product we create. All of our products are made in-house right here in America.

We also like to offer exceptional customer service. If you have a problem with one of our products, you can call and talk to somebody about it in person and we will fix it. If something is wrong with any of our products, we offer a lifetime guarantee on everything we make.

We chose to offer a wide array of products and kits to help make sure that every customer can afford to enjoy nature regardless of how much they have to spend. Our basic handreels start at $45 and offer a complete fishing experience.

We also offer kits that run upwards of $100-200 that help offer an expanded experience with more functionality for the more experienced outdoors person.

No matter what your budget, we make sure to offer a product that is suitable for you.

Catch and Cook Fishing Kit - Daggerfish Gear

Is The Daggerfish Better Than Other Fishing Rods?

Well, yes...and no.

It is better at doing what it does - which is offering a small, compact, and simple to use product that you can take and fishing anywhere on the go.

Will it perform the same as a "regular" fishing rod?

No, but it's a different style of fishing.

It privileges simplicity and ease of use over complexity and high technology.

Other benefits include being able to carry your fishing rod in your glove box, or in your kayak and canoe, or on a lightweight backpacking, hiking, or biking trip.

The next time you are on an adventure, this is one of the easiest things to throw into your bag and be able to enjoy a broader experience of the outdoors.

Daggerfish Gear Fishing Kits Make Great Gifts

We created our Daggerfish Gear Kits to allow you to give someone a complete experience of the outdoors.

We call them "Adventures Made For You".

We imagine the experience of someone opening a gift box from Daggerfish Gear and feeling the excitement of exploring nature, foraging on their next camping trip, or catching and cooking their meal the next time they go backpacking.

We hope you enjoy our products and are willing to expand your adventure arsenal with some Daggerfish Gear.

Streamline Deluxe Fishing Gear Kit - Daggerfish


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