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GEAR UP FOR TROUT SEASON with new products for handlining, bait fishing, and fly fishing - click here.

What is Handlining?

Handlining is a simple and beautiful alternative to rod-and-reel fishing, where we can travel lightly without being burdened by gear.

Learn the basics of handline fishing in 60 seconds

Easy to learn & easy to use.

With no moving parts and simple methods for casting and reeling, handlines are a great option for new and experienced anglers alike.

Explore the Handline Fishing Guide

Turn every trip into a fishing trip.

Lightweight, compact, and TSA compliant for carry-on bags, handlines can go with you on anything from a thru-hike to a cross-country flight.

Shop Handlines and Fishing Gear

Maximum functionality with minimal footprint.

Daggerfish handlines combine a rod, reel, and tackle box into one ultralight package, and can be used for bait fishing, spin fishing, and fly fishing.

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A complete fishing system.

Handlines and accessories from Daggerfish work together to give you the most versatile fishing experience with the least amount of gear.

Shop Handlines and Accessories
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