5. Stowing Tackle And Securing Line on your Handline
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One of the best features of a handline is its portability, and storing your tackle properly makes traveling with a handline easy. This article will show you how to pack up your tackle and secure your handline to move between fishing sites, or when heading home at the end of the day.
NOTE: The video above covers these methods in detail and is highly recommended viewing.
Quick Storage Options
To quickly store your terminal tackle when moving between fishing locations, you can stash tackle that can be quickly removed (split shots, floats, etc.) inside the storage areas on the top and bottom of your reel.
When all that is left is a hook, bury the hook in the top cork, wrap the line tightly around the reel, pop the cork in the top of the reel and give it a gentle twist to lock the line in place.

Tip: If your line slips off the top of the reel, try wrapping the line once around the handle below the reel, then twisting the cork to increase tension.
Use a similar method with the storage area in the handle to store a casting bubble and a fly. Loosen your casting bubble and tuck the fly hook into its narrow end. Wrap your line once around the top cork, then slide the hook and bubble to the end of the line, then insert both into the handle storage area. Place the bottom cork in place and twist gently to lock the line in place.

Longer Term Storage using a Reel Cover
When your fishing trip is over and you're ready to head home, taking a moment to store your handline cleanly will make your next trip easier and faster. To begin, wipe your handline off with a clean and dry cloth, then remove any remaining terminal tackle and store it inside the reel.

Wrap the loose end of your line tightly around the reel, and tuck it under itself once to help hold it in place. You can secure the line with a rubber band or use our Leather Reel Cover, which holds your line in place and protects it against abrasion and tangles if your reel is being stored in a bag or tackle box.
To tie on a reel cover, hold the reel cover in one hand and the handline in another, and place the blank side of the cover against the reel.

Place your thumb on the blank edge of the reel cover to hold it in place, then grab the longer of the two cords and begin to wrap the cover around the reel.

Wrap the longer cord around twice, then tie the cords together using a bow knot (like you would with a shoelace).

Your reel is now ready for storage in your bag, backpack, glove box or tackle box.