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How To Choose The Best Handline Fishing Reel For You

Since 2018, Daggerfish has been helping to reintroduce the hobby of handline fishing to the US and beyond. This simple style of fishing is perfect for backpackers, bushcrafters, and anglers looking for a streamlined fishing setup and a direct connection to the fish they're catching.

All of Daggerfish's handlines are made by hand in our Pennsylvania workshop, using sustainable materials and built to our highest standard of craftsmanship. Everything we make is backed by our For a Lifetime Guarantee, and we'll repair, replace, or refund your order if anything goes wrong with it. 

All our handlines work the same way, so choosing the best handline means choosing the right species of wood for your style of outdooring. Here is our list of solid wood handlines and our recommendations for choosing the one that's right for you:

For first time handliners and younger anglers:
Sugar Maple Handline

Maple Wooden Hand Line Fishing Reel Grain Detail

Sugar maple (also known as hard maple or rock maple) is an extremely tough and durable wood. All of our solid wood handlines can take a beating, but our maple handlines are particulary robust. They can be dropped, stepped on, or clattered around in a bag or backpack without issue.

Because of their durability and lower price point, this is the handline we recommend for people just getting into the hobby, or for younger anglers who aren't as careful with their gear.  It's also the handline included in our Handline Essentials Kits.

For ultralight backpackers and touring bikers: 
Cherry Handline

Cherry Wooden Hand Line Fishing Reel Grain Detail

Cherry is a naturally-rot-resistant wood with a slightly open grain, and has one of the lowest densities of all the domestic hardwoods. While all of our handlines weigh in at under 4 oz, our cherry reels are the lightest, averaging just 3.2 oz/92 g average weight. 

If you're planning on fishing while on a long trek or bike tour and weight is a major factor, a cherry reel is your best option. 

For paddlers and saltwater anglers: 
Saltwater Sapele Handline

Sapele Wooden Hand Line Fishing Reel Grain Detail

Sapele is a tropical hardwood used to build boats, since its tight grain makes it naturally water-resistant. This sapele handline can be stowed in the bilge of a kayak or the bottom of a canoe for up to 24 hours without  absorbing water, and is equally resistant to freshwater and saltwater. The natural wax finish will lighten somewhat with water exposure, but this handline will remain strong and smooth to the touch.

If you're planning on a fishing during a paddling trip or in a saltwater environment, the sapele is your best bet. 

For collectors: 
Figured Maple Handline

Figured Maple Wooden Hand Line Fishing Reel Grain Detail

Occassionally, we'll find special selections of maple with that showcase the natural beauty of wood and use it to make limited runs of highly figured reels. These work just as well as our standard handlines, while featuring unique grain patterning like tiger striping, burl curves, spalting, and chatoyancy (shimmering in the grain).

Each of these handlines is specially selected during the production process and is completely unique and limited, so when available, this is the handline we recommend for those who love woodworking as much as we do. 

For a premium gift (even to yourself): 
Black Walnut Handline

Walnut Wooden Hand Line Fishing Reel Grain Detail

The Cadillac of hardwoods, black walnut is a beautiful, naturally dark wood often used for fine furniture and other high-end woodworking. Our black walnut reels combine light weight, high durability, and beautiful chocolate color to create a premium hand line fishing experience.

For those looking for a complete gift package at a significant discount, our black walnut reels are also included in our Deluxe Handlining Kits.

Other Options for Handline Fishing

If you're interested in ocean fishing, you may have a better experience with a style of handreel called a Cuban Yo-Yo, and a quick internet search will bring you a vareity of options for this kind of handlining. If you're interested in making your own handline, you can find lots of examples of handlines made from a variety of materials in the Handline Fishing Share/Educate group on Facebook, and there are also inexpensive plastic handlines avaialble online from other retailers that are a great way to get started.

If you love hand line fishing (or minimalist fishing in general), you can check out our collection of Fishing Accessories designed to enhance your experience of wilderness fishing.  

Learning More

If you're excited about handlining and want to learn more, check out our Guide to Hand Line Fishing to learn techniques for rigging, casting, and reeling, and explore our full line of fishing gear here.

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