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The Strap Snap System

View Daggerfish Exploration Gear here.

The Daggerfish Strap Snap System makes it easy to carry our fishing accessories, knife sheaths, and foraging gear on virtually any belt or backpack strap. Heavy-duty brass snaps hold your gear securely, but can be easily unsnapped to move or remove equipment without the need to unbuckle a belt or unthread a strap. 

The Strap Snap System works with any belt or pack strap up to 1.5" wide.

See the Strap Snap System in action in the video above.

Snap On A Belt or Pack Strap

To attach a Strap Snap product to a belt or a backpack strap, unsnap two or more of the brass snaps and slip the belt loop patch behind the strap. 

Unsnapping the Daggerfish Strap Snaps
Sliding the Strap Snap belt patch behind a men's leather belt
Sliding the Strap Snap belt patch behind a pack strap

Match up the snaps and press firmly to snap it in place.

Securing the snaps on a Daggerfish Handreel Sheath
A Daggerfish Black Walnut Handreel and Handreel Sheath on a belt, horizontal orientation
A Daggerfish Black Walnut Handreel and Handreel Sheath on a pack strap, vertical orientation

Change Between a Vertical or Horizontal Carry

The Strap Snap system allows you to switch between vertical and horizontal orientations, which is especially effective with our Universal Knife Sheath. To change orientation, simply unsnap the brass snaps, rotate the product, and snap it back onto the belt patch.

In these photos, the belt has been removed for clarity, but products using the Strap Snap ststem can be adjusted without the need to remove a belt or unfasten a strap.

Daggerfish Universal Knife Sheath vertically on belt
Daggerfish Strap Snap system - vertically on belt
Unsnapping the Strap Snaps in vertical orientation
Reorienting the Universal Knife Sheath for horizontal carry
Daggerfish Universal Knife Sheath horizontal on belt

Remove and Reattach Quickly 

For times when you need to quickly remove a product from your belt, simply unsnap two or more snaps and lift the product off. You can also remove the belt patch from the product but leave the patch in place behind the belt or pack strap, to quickly reattach it in the future.

Foraging dandelion greens with Daggerfish Collapsible Forager's Bag
Unsnapping a Daggerfish Collapsible Forager's Bag from a belt
A Daggerfish Collapsible Forager's Bag removed from a belt
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